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Critical Psychotherapy - Impulses and Reflections

Prof. Dr. Boris Friele, Kübra Çığ, Erik Petter, Dr. Stefan Meretz, Marcus Beisswanger

Publication date 2024-12-08

Here you can find the detailed German material.

socialnet Materials. Series 14: Kritische Psychologie, Psychotherapie und emanzipatorische Praxis

In this section of the collected volume "Critical Psychology, Psychotherapy, and Emancipatory Practice," aspects from the previous contributions are taken up and discussed. For instance, there is a deeper exploration of the claims to truth and transparency in Critical Psychology and common psychotherapy approaches, particularly behavior therapy. Additionally, the potential for the subject-scientific developmental figure from Critical Psychology to serve as a starting point for a Critical Psychotherapy is considered, along with the role that emotions, especially "hope", can play in the therapeutic process. Reflections on a critical-psychological reception of the leftist movements in psychoanalysis are also presented. Finally, fundamental considerations for a Critical Psychotherapy are outlined, as well as challenges posed by neoliberal structures and the lack of social movements.

Written by
Prof. Dr. Boris Friele
Professor für Soziale Arbeit
IU Internationale Hochschule Berlin

Kübra Çığ
Psychotherapeutin in Ausbildung
EUTB-Beraterin (unabhängige ergänzende Teilhabeberatung)

Erik Petter
Psychologe in der Jugendhilfe
Personzentrierte Psychotherapie mit Kindern und Jugendlichen (GwG)

Dr. Stefan Meretz
Ingenieur, Informatiker und Konfliktmoderator

Marcus Beisswanger
Diplom-Sozialpädagoge und Suchttherapeut in der ambulanten Drogenhilfe

There are 4 Materialien of Boris Friele.
There are 3 Materialien of Kübra Çığ.
There are 4 Materialien of Erik Petter.
There are 4 Materialien of Stefan Meretz.
There is 1 Materialie of Marcus Beisswanger.

Cite this publication
Friele, Boris,Kübra Çığ,Erik Petter,Stefan MeretzMarcus Beisswanger, 2024. Critical Psychotherapy - Impulses and Reflections [online]. socialnet Materials. Bonn: socialnet, 2024-12-08. Retrieved 2025-02-13 .

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