Behavioural therapy between control, compensation and emancipation
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socialnet Materials. Series 14: Kritische Psychologie, Psychotherapie und emanzipatorische Praxis
Many psychotherapists attribute their practice to promoting self-reflection and a self-determined lifestyle, whereas critics note an individualization and internalization of social constraints. This article explores the question of how a critical claim can be implemented in the practice of behavioral therapy (VT), which is traditionally seen as an instrument for adapting to externally imposed goals. Based on polarizing assessments of the (anti-)emancipatory character of VT, the ideological background of behavioural therapy interventions is worked out and the heterogeneous development of VT is traced in order to then illustrate emancipatory potentials using two practical examples. This results in suggestions for a further development of behavioral therapy based on action theory.
Written by
Leonie Knebel
Psychologische Psychotherapeutin
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin bei der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin
There is 1 Materialie of Leonie Knebel.
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Knebel, Leonie, 2024.
Behavioural therapy between control, compensation and emancipation [online]. socialnet Materials.
Bonn: socialnet, 2024-12-09.
Retrieved 2025-02-18 .
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