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Johannes Merkel: Sprachbildung im Kindergarten

Reviewed by ao. Prof. i.R. Dr. Franz Dotter, 2015-08-04

Cover Johannes Merkel: Sprachbildung im Kindergarten ISBN 978-3-86723-540-2

Johannes Merkel: Sprachbildung im Kindergarten. SCHUBI Lernmedien (Braunschweig) 2014. 176 pages. ISBN 978-3-86723-540-2. D: 24,90 EUR, A: 24,90 EUR, CH: 33,60 sFr.

Further information at DNB KVK GVK.

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As in similar books with a mainly pedagogic perspective, language learning and development are not comprehensively dealt with. Instead, the general introdution to these issues (chapter 1,

„Grundwissen zur sprachlichen Bildung“) suffers from ignoring international research on cognitive and language development. The second and main part of the book (chapter 2, „Sprachliche Bildung in der Praxis“) offers a lot of inspiring suggestions which can be stimulating for practitioners and parents, however.

Unfortunately, there are two essential points which have to be negatively evaluated: First, there is an undiscussed overall devaluation of the competence in German of children having a non-German mother tongue as well of children with German as their mother tongue who show „considerable“ - but not clearly described – „language problems“. Secondly, the author ignores German dialects and regional variants, which seem to be only factors disturbing the standard variant and having only temporary validity for him. This view contradicts the language reality of the German-speaking area. Astonishingly enough, this view is promoted by a Swiss publisher who should at least favour the equality of Schwyzerdütsch and Standard German. It is also remarkable that the publisher offers two books of more or less the same content (in big parts even the same text) without an adequate information for consumers.

Review by
ao. Prof. i.R. Dr. Franz Dotter
Sprachwissenschaftler, Universität Klagenfurt

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Franz Dotter, 2015. Review of: Johannes Merkel: Sprachbildung im Kindergarten. SCHUBI Lernmedien 2014. ISBN 978-3-86723-540-2. In: socialnet Reviews, 2015-08-04. ISSN 2190-9245. Retrieved 2025-02-18 from

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