Horst Siebert, Teresa Huhle: Erwachsene – lernfähig aber unbelehrbar?
Reviewed by Prof. Dr. Patricia Arnold, 2016-02-12
Horst Siebert, Teresa Huhle: Erwachsene – lernfähig aber unbelehrbar? Was der Konstruktivismus für die politische Bildung leistet. Wochenschau Verlag (Frankfurt am Main) 2015. 159 pages. ISBN 978-3-7344-0012-4. D: 19,80 EUR, A: 20,40 EUR, CH: 28,50 sFr.
There is a detailed German review for this work. Read here
In this book the well-known adult education specialist Horst Siebert links constructivism to political education within the arena of adult education. He argues convincingly for a conceptual bridge between both areas that hitherto appeared rather incompatible, at least in the German speaking discourse. Within the framework of his line of argument he touches on several relevant topics. At times the selection of topics and even more so the order in which they are dealt with appear somewhat randomly chosen – yet they integrate well in the end. Moreover, he uses different text genres: poems, anecdotes and biographical memories are added to the academic text – a fact that makes reading his book especially inspirational. His own enthusiasm for the topic emanates from the text and his competent involvement with many different disciplines and schools of thought (knowledge theories, learning psychology, neuroscience, memory science and even meditation and Buddhism) are impressive and make the book valuable for many different audiences.
Someone looking for an accessible text that summarizes what we presently know about adult learning will find the book as useful as someone who is interested in the consequences of constructivism and recent results of neuroscience on designing learning environments. Those who particularly want to learn about the connection between constructivism and political (adult) education will also benefit from the book. However, readers who expect a detailed treatment of political education as such might be disappointed as priorities within the book are set differently.
Review by
Prof. Dr. Patricia Arnold
Fakultät für angewandte Sozialwissenschaften | Hochschule München. Lehrgebiet Sozialinformatik, E-Learning, Erwachsenenbildung
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Patricia Arnold, 2016. Review of:
Horst Siebert, Teresa Huhle: Erwachsene – lernfähig aber unbelehrbar? Was der Konstruktivismus für die politische Bildung leistet. Wochenschau Verlag
ISBN 978-3-7344-0012-4.
In: socialnet Reviews, 2016-02-12. ISSN 2190-9245. Retrieved 2024-09-16 from https://www.socialnet.de/en/reviews/19100.php.
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