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Rigmar Osterkamp (Ed.): Auf dem Prüfstand. Ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen für Deutschland?

Reviewed by Prof. Dr. Joachim Thönnessen, 2015-12-08

Cover Rigmar Osterkamp (Hrsg.): Auf dem Prüfstand. Ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen für Deutschland? ISBN 978-3-8487-2045-3

Rigmar Osterkamp (Ed.): Auf dem Prüfstand. Ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen für Deutschland? Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft (Baden-Baden) 2015. 250 pages. ISBN 978-3-8487-2045-3.

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The anthology 'Put to the test. An unconditional basic income for Germany' was written by professors and lecturers of the Munich School of Political Science (now under the umbrella of the Technical University of Munich) and by persons being closely associated in a special way. The contributions deal with the subject 'Unconditional basic income' in an interdisciplinary way with a special feature: So far, most authors of the present anthology have not treated the question of basic income in their publications and lectures. The editor of the anthology, Rigmar Osterkamp, pursues with this choice the intention, that the issue of 'basic income' according to the respective principles, problems and methods of different professional disciplines – here: Philosophy, political science, law and economics - is treated as impartially as possible.

The result of the interdisciplinary considerations fails clearly negative. Neither the objective of strengthening equality among people nor the target of an increase of the social usefulness would be achieved through a basic income. Indeed, all considerations emanate from 'normal' economic and social relations in Germany. If the much discussed 'crisis' should make itself more clear economically, ecologically or/and socially than today, the positive arguments could in my opinion quickly gain the upper hand.

The contributions are of high quality and it is exciting to track the individual approach and reasoning ways of the authors from the perspective of their respective field. The purpose to provide an interdisciplinary anthology on the subject 'Unconditional basic income' is clearly achieved. Whoever wishes to learn about the current state of discussion on the basic income or wants to look at some aspects of this discussion in depth, will find a wide range of indications in this volume.

Review by
Prof. Dr. Joachim Thönnessen
Hochschule Osnabrück, Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften. Studium der Philosophie und Soziologie in Bielefeld, London und Groningen; Promotion in Medizin-Soziologie (Uniklinikum Giessen)

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Joachim Thönnessen, 2015. Review of: Rigmar Osterkamp (Ed.): Auf dem Prüfstand. Ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen für Deutschland? Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft 2015. ISBN 978-3-8487-2045-3. ZfP Sonderband 7. In: socialnet Reviews, 2015-12-08. ISSN 2190-9245. Retrieved 2024-09-19 from

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