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Uta Klein (Ed.): Inklusive Hochschule

Reviewed by Prof. Dr. Albrecht Rohrmann, 2016-01-07

Cover Uta Klein (Hrsg.): Inklusive Hochschule ISBN 978-3-7799-3340-3

Uta Klein (Ed.): Inklusive Hochschule. Neue Perspektiven für Praxis und Forschung. Beltz Juventa (Weinheim und Basel) 2015. 300 pages. ISBN 978-3-7799-3340-3. D: 39,95 EUR, A: 41,10 EUR, CH: 51,90 sFr.

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The book "Inclusive University. New Perspectives for Practice and Research" was published as the fourth volume of the book series "Diversity and University" and is a collection of 14 independently developed contributions. The focus lays on improvements for students with impairments. The first and most extensive part of the collection is dedicated to strategies and tools for the development of an inclusive university. The contributions present convincing approaches and examples for inclusive higher education policy and internal university steering mechanisms. The second contribution deals with (empirical) research about students with disabilities. This part contains articles about different national and international studies and theoretical research approaches, but doesn‘t give a systematic overview. The third part of the anthology deals with the transition of students with disabilities from the university into an occupation.

The anthology fully meets its claim to present new perspectives for practice and research in relation to the development of an inclusive university. It is a very successful mix of practical and research-based contributions, which often connect these two perspectives. The reading can be recommended to all those who deal with the issues of higher education development and the issues of an inclusive education system. The contributions show that the development of an inclusive university is at its very beginning.

Review by
Prof. Dr. Albrecht Rohrmann
Professor für Sozialpädagogik mit dem Schwerpunkt soziale Rehabilitation und Inklusion an der Uni Siegen, Zentrum für Planung und Entwicklung Sozialer Dienste (ZPE)

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Albrecht Rohrmann, 2016. Review of: Uta Klein (Ed.): Inklusive Hochschule. Neue Perspektiven für Praxis und Forschung. Beltz Juventa (Weinheim und Basel) 2015. ISBN 978-3-7799-3340-3. In: socialnet Reviews, 2016-01-07. ISSN 2190-9245. Retrieved 2024-12-13 from

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