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Oliver Tewes, Garabet Gül (Eds.): er soziale Raum der postmigrantischen Gesellschaft

Reviewed by Prof. Dr. Detlef Baum, 2018-12-12

Cover Oliver Tewes, Garabet Gül (Hrsg.): er soziale Raum der postmigrantischen Gesellschaft ISBN 978-3-7799-2733-4

Oliver Tewes, Garabet Gül (Eds.): Der soziale Raum der postmigrantischen Gesellschaft. Beltz Juventa (Weinheim und Basel) 2018. 263 pages. ISBN 978-3-7799-2733-4. D: 29,95 EUR, A: 30,80 EUR, CH: 40,10 sFr.

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This book is a summary of a discussion of the theoretical approaches and of the thinking of Pierre Bourdieu, of his concepts of social space, habitus and forms of capitals. The question is: Can we explain with these concepts post-migrant societies and which type of society is meant by the term of post-migration society?

The critical discussion with Pierre Bourdieu opens a new perspective of social spaces of societies with migration. Furthermore the book opens a new view on migration-societies and its development and of its character as modern society as well. The articles draw the attention to the structural dimensions of relations between migrants and others and discuss less the behaviour level of relations and its conditions. This last perspective is the approach of a traditional approach of research on migrants in modern societies.

Review by
Prof. Dr. Detlef Baum
Professor em. Arbeits- u. Praxisschwerpunkte: Gemeinwesenarbeit, stadtteilorientierte Sozialarbeit, Soziale Stadt, Armut in der Stadt Forschungsgebiete: Stadtsoziologie, Stadt- und Gemeindeforschung, soziale Probleme und soziale Ungleichheit in der Stadt

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Detlef Baum, 2018. Review of: Oliver Tewes, Garabet Gül (Ed.): Der soziale Raum der postmigrantischen Gesellschaft. Beltz Juventa (Weinheim und Basel) 2018. ISBN 978-3-7799-2733-4. Reihe: Edition Soziologie. In: socialnet Reviews, 2018-12-12. ISSN 2190-9245. Retrieved 2024-12-07 from

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