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Sacha Kagan, Volker Kirchberg et al. (Eds.): Stadt als Möglichkeitsraum

Reviewed by Prof. Dr. Detlef Baum, 2019-07-10

Cover Sacha Kagan, Volker Kirchberg et al. (Hrsg.): Stadt als Möglichkeitsraum ISBN 978-3-8376-4585-9

Sacha Kagan, Volker Kirchberg, Ursula Weisenfeld (Eds.): Stadt als Möglichkeitsraum. Experimentierfelder einer urbanen Nachhaltigkeit. transcript (Bielefeld) 2019. 394 pages. ISBN 978-3-8376-4585-9. D: 39,99 EUR, A: 39,99 EUR, CH: 48,70 sFr.

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This book is summery of a lot of very different articles, which deal with different dimensions of sustainability of the cities. Mainly discussed are the aspects of creative and artistic possibilities of city development and planning. How must we in the future cites develop, so that they make possible a good life? What means urbanity as a lifestyle or as a life concept in the city in difference to the life concepts of villages? And the book is a very important contribution to the debate of sustainability in a wider sense of cultural, social and economic sustainability. The transdisciplinary of the approaches makes open for a very different view of the city as a complex social system, in which the different lifestyles and -concepts also leads to contradictions, tensions and in which possibilities are thinkable, which leads to a new forms and spaces of life. 

Review by
Prof. Dr. Detlef Baum
Professor em. Arbeits- u. Praxisschwerpunkte: Gemeinwesenarbeit, stadtteilorientierte Sozialarbeit, Soziale Stadt, Armut in der Stadt Forschungsgebiete: Stadtsoziologie, Stadt- und Gemeindeforschung, soziale Probleme und soziale Ungleichheit in der Stadt

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Detlef Baum, 2019. Review of: Sacha Kagan, Volker Kirchberg, Ursula Weisenfeld (Ed.): Stadt als Möglichkeitsraum. Experimentierfelder einer urbanen Nachhaltigkeit. transcript 2019. ISBN 978-3-8376-4585-9. Reihe: Urban studies. In: socialnet Reviews, 2019-07-10. ISSN 2190-9245. Retrieved 2024-12-08 from

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