Axel Priebs: Die Stadtregion
Reviewed by Prof. Dr. Detlef Baum, 2020-03-23
Axel Priebs: Die Stadtregion. Planung - Politik - Management. UTB (Stuttgart) 2019. 329 pages. ISBN 978-3-8252-4952-6. D: 29,99 EUR, A: 30,90 EUR, CH: 37,50 sFr.
There is a detailed German review for this work. Read here
The author discusses in twelve chapters the relationship between an inner city and its environment and he develops a concept of the city region, a concept, which explains, how a city is embedded in a region, how the region and the city are interdependently connected. The focus lies in the structural processes of the city development and in the administrative and political organisation of these processes by city planning and management of discourses between the several political actors in the city and the region.
We find there a lot of inspirations, how cities must define its identity in relationship to its urban or rural structured environment. Insofar the book should interest all other disciplines, which are dealing with the dialectic between the city as an urban structured social space or habitat and its environment, in which it is embedded.
The book is a text book too; the chapters are clear structured and offer a lot of explanations of terms and analytical accesses to the contents of the chapters.
Review by
Prof. Dr. Detlef Baum
Professor em.
Arbeits- u. Praxisschwerpunkte: Gemeinwesenarbeit, stadtteilorientierte Sozialarbeit, Soziale Stadt, Armut in der Stadt
Forschungsgebiete: Stadtsoziologie, Stadt- und Gemeindeforschung, soziale Probleme und soziale Ungleichheit in der Stadt
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Detlef Baum, 2020. Review of:
Axel Priebs: Die Stadtregion. Planung - Politik - Management. UTB
ISBN 978-3-8252-4952-6.
Reihe: UTB - Band-Nr. 4952. Geographie, Raum- und Landschaftsplanung, Verwaltungswissenschaft.
In: socialnet Reviews, 2020-03-23. ISSN 2190-9245. Retrieved 2024-10-05 from
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