Susann Schäfer, Jonathan Everts (Eds.): Handbuch Praktiken und Raum
Reviewed by Prof. Dr. Detlef Baum, 2019-11-27
Susann Schäfer, Jonathan Everts (Eds.): Handbuch Praktiken und Raum. Humangeographie nach dem Practice Turn. transcript (Bielefeld) 2019. 394 pages. ISBN 978-3-8376-4603-0. D: 29,99 EUR, A: 29,99 EUR, CH: 36,80 sFr.
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In this textbook the authors discuss topics of the human geography after the practice turn. The central thesis is that there is a relationship between space and practice or behaviour. Under which conditions becomes a physical or geographic space a social space? The social space is a construction of actors in the space and the space influences the habits, rituals and interaction. This perhaps is the focus of the practical turn of the human geography.
This book is a successful collection of very different aspects of the practical turn of the human geography and should recommended to other disciplines, which are interested in the spatial conditions of specific behaviours, habits, rituals, phenomes or problems.
Review by
Prof. Dr. Detlef Baum
Professor em.
Arbeits- u. Praxisschwerpunkte: Gemeinwesenarbeit, stadtteilorientierte Sozialarbeit, Soziale Stadt, Armut in der Stadt
Forschungsgebiete: Stadtsoziologie, Stadt- und Gemeindeforschung, soziale Probleme und soziale Ungleichheit in der Stadt
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Detlef Baum, 2019. Review of:
Susann Schäfer, Jonathan Everts (Ed.): Handbuch Praktiken und Raum. Humangeographie nach dem Practice Turn. transcript
ISBN 978-3-8376-4603-0.
Reihe: Sozial- und Kulturgeographie - Band 28.
In: socialnet Reviews, 2019-11-27. ISSN 2190-9245. Retrieved 2024-10-11 from
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