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Marie Špiláčková: Enterprise social policy

Reviewed by Prof. Dr. Detlef Baum, 2020-10-28

Cover Marie Špiláčková: Enterprise social policy ISBN 978-3-96665-022-9

Marie Špiláčková: Enterprise social policy as a means of development of social work. Budrich Academic Press GmbH (Opladen, Berlin, Toronto) 2020. 252 pages. ISBN 978-3-96665-022-9. D: 33,90 EUR, A: 34,90 EUR.

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The topic of this book is the critical reconstruction of the development of social work in enterprises implemented as part of enterprise social policy in the years 1876–1989 in the Czechoslovakia especially in Bohemia and Moravia. Two enterprises were analysed: Vítkovice Steelwork and Bata Company, which began very early with measures und instruments of social work against the background of their own social-political conception in their enterprises. On the base of a hermeneutical approach, which integrates historical analyses, content analyses and oral history, are analysed and considered documents, written texts and interviews of the enterprises and the state government.

The book is interesting and an important contribution to the history of professionalization of social work in the mentioned time in Czechoslovakia. And it reflects aspects of social Work and social policy which should be considered, when we discuss social work in our countries.

Review by
Prof. Dr. Detlef Baum
Professor em. Arbeits- u. Praxisschwerpunkte: Gemeinwesenarbeit, stadtteilorientierte Sozialarbeit, Soziale Stadt, Armut in der Stadt Forschungsgebiete: Stadtsoziologie, Stadt- und Gemeindeforschung, soziale Probleme und soziale Ungleichheit in der Stadt

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Detlef Baum, 2020. Review of: Marie Špiláčková: Enterprise social policy as a means of development of social work. Budrich Academic Press GmbH (Opladen, Berlin, Toronto) 2020. ISBN 978-3-96665-022-9. In: socialnet Reviews, 2020-10-28. ISSN 2190-9245. Retrieved 2024-12-08 from

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