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Gabu Heindl: Stadtkonflikte

Reviewed by Mag.a Valerie Scheibenpflug, 2021-09-08

Cover Gabu Heindl: Stadtkonflikte ISBN 978-3-85476-869-2

Gabu Heindl: Stadtkonflikte. Radikale Demokratie in Architektur und Stadtplanung. Mandelbaum (Wien) 2020. 256 pages. ISBN 978-3-85476-869-2. D: 20,00 EUR, A: 20,00 EUR.

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Heindl's book represents a successful attempt to combine activist and practical urban planning experiences with political-theoretical concepts and considerations from the academic field. From Heindl's perspective, the path to solidary infrastructures is connected with the formation of alliances of different actors who act on different levels and in an in-between of institution and movement. This path, which she also follows in her book, seems promising, original, and in many ways worth pursuing further. Her book is worth reading for anyone interested in new urban politics, left alliances and related political-theoretical considerations. 

Review by
Mag.a Valerie Scheibenpflug
Prae-Doc-Assistentin am Institut für Politikwissenschaft Wien (Fachbereich: Politische Theorie)

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Valerie Scheibenpflug, 2021. Review of: Gabu Heindl: Stadtkonflikte. Radikale Demokratie in Architektur und Stadtplanung. Mandelbaum 2020. ISBN 978-3-85476-869-2. In: socialnet Reviews, 2021-09-08. ISSN 2190-9245. Retrieved 2025-01-19 from

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