Sven Thiersch (Ed.): Qualitative Längsschnittforschung
Reviewed by Sven Rech, 2022-03-18
Sven Thiersch (Ed.): Qualitative Längsschnittforschung. Bestimmungen, Forschungspraxis und Reflexionen. Verlag Barbara Budrich GmbH (Opladen, Berlin, Toronto) 2020. 430 pages. ISBN 978-3-8474-2179-5. D: 29,90 EUR, A: 30,80 EUR.
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The book „Qualitative Längsschnittforschung – Bestimmungen, Forschungspraxis und Reflexionen“ which could be translated to "Qualitative longitudinal research – puroses, research practice and reflections" merges various theoretical and methodological perspectives of qualitative longitudinal studies. Editor Sven Thiersch knows how to address different aspects with the contributions of different authors and to show practical experiences as well as to ask open methodological and theoretical questions. This book is aimed in particular at people who already have practical experience with qualitative research in general and with qualitative longitudinal research in particular.
Review by
Sven Rech
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Sven Rech, 2022. Review of:
Sven Thiersch (Ed.): Qualitative Längsschnittforschung. Bestimmungen, Forschungspraxis und Reflexionen. Verlag Barbara Budrich GmbH
( Opladen, Berlin, Toronto) 2020.
ISBN 978-3-8474-2179-5.
In: socialnet Reviews, 2022-03-18. ISSN 2190-9245. Retrieved 2024-12-08 from
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