Nancy Colier: Wenn die Gedanken wieder kreisen
Reviewed by Prof. Dr. Chirly dos Santos-Stubbe, 2024-11-26
Translated from German version by DeepL
Nancy Colier: Wenn die Gedanken wieder kreisen .... Hilfreiche Impulse zum Umgang mit ständigem Grübeln. Junfermann Verlag GmbH (Paderborn) 2023. 152 pages. ISBN 978-3-7495-0378-0. D: 22,00 EUR, A: 22,70 EUR.
There is a detailed German review for this work. Read here
This book addresses the excessive negative thinking that leads to stress, strain, dissatisfaction and powerlessness in everyday life. Numerous case studies from the author's psychotherapy and counseling practice are presented, integrated with numerous exercises. The author's aim is to offer possible solutions that will help people to become aware of the stressful “carousel of thoughts”. The aim is to establish a learning process for the liberation of this form of suffering so that one's own self can be revived.
Review by
Prof. Dr. Chirly dos Santos-Stubbe
Dipl. Psych.
Hochschule Mannheim – Fakultät Sozialwesen
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Chirly dos Santos-Stubbe, 2024. Review of:
Nancy Colier: Wenn die Gedanken wieder kreisen .... Hilfreiche Impulse zum Umgang mit ständigem Grübeln. Junfermann Verlag GmbH
ISBN 978-3-7495-0378-0.
In: socialnet Reviews, 2024-11-26. ISSN 2190-9245. Retrieved 2025-01-19 from
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