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Helmuth Figdor: Scheidungskinder – Wege der Hilfe

Reviewed by Dr. Friedrich Schwarzinger, 2024-11-05
Translated from German version by DeepL

Cover Helmuth Figdor: Scheidungskinder – Wege der Hilfe ISBN 978-3-8379-3295-9

Helmuth Figdor: Scheidungskinder – Wege der Hilfe. Psychosozial-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG (Gießen) 2023. 280 pages. ISBN 978-3-8379-3295-9. D: 32,90 EUR, A: 33,90 EUR.

Further information at DNB KVK GVK.
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The expansion of the author's psychoanalytical approach into the world of social contexts, in the sense of systemic psychotherapy, is outstandingly successful and enriching in every case. With its additional analysis of the social and legal implications, this work should be required reading for those interested in family policy and all professionals, especially members of the judiciary and the legal profession.

Review by
Dr. Friedrich Schwarzinger
Rechtsanwalt, Mediator Collaborative Law-Lawyer Dipl.-Lebensberater

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Friedrich Schwarzinger, 2024. Review of: Helmuth Figdor: Scheidungskinder – Wege der Hilfe. Psychosozial-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG 2023. ISBN 978-3-8379-3295-9. Reihe: Psychoanalytische Pädagogik. In: socialnet Reviews, 2024-11-05. ISSN 2190-9245. Retrieved 2025-01-23 from

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