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Kristin Narr, Guido Bröckling et al. (Eds.): Mit Medienbildung die Welt retten?!

Reviewed by Prof. Dr. Johann Bischoff, 2024-10-17

Cover Kristin Narr, Guido Bröckling et al. (Hrsg.): Mit Medienbildung die Welt retten?! ISBN 978-3-96848-709-0

Kristin Narr, Guido Bröckling, Rüdiger Fries (Eds.): Mit Medienbildung die Welt retten?! Medienpädagogik in einer Kultur der Digitalität. kopaed verlagsgmbh (München) 2023. 160 pages. ISBN 978-3-96848-709-0. D: 18,00 EUR, A: 18,50 EUR.

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What media education can really achieve in a culture of digitality in the context of applied educational work is clear in all the contributions – it has become indispensable for the challenges that digital media pose for children, teenagers and young adults. Science and media education specialists should develop and implement knowledge and instructions in order to convey, in particular to children and young people, skills for maturity, the ability to act and social participation in an uncertain world, in a culture of digitality. If media education and media education are understood politically, then they can make the potential of this culture visible and tangible and thus make a contribution to “saving the world”. The publication addresses how elementary social and ecological transformation processes can be promoted, accompanied and initiated. The articles in the publication are intended to encourage interested specialists to take part in the current discussions on the topic mentioned.

Review by
Prof. Dr. Johann Bischoff
Professor für Medienwissenschaft und angewandte Ästhetik an der Hochschule Merseburg

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Johann Bischoff, 2024. Review of: Kristin Narr, Guido Bröckling, Rüdiger Fries (Ed.): Mit Medienbildung die Welt retten?! Medienpädagogik in einer Kultur der Digitalität. kopaed verlagsgmbh 2023. ISBN 978-3-96848-709-0. Reihe: Schriften zur Medienpädagogik - 19. In: socialnet Reviews, 2024-10-17. ISSN 2190-9245. Retrieved 2024-12-08 from

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