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Andreas Kollar: Nur die Lumpe sind bescheiden

Reviewed by Prof. i.R. Dr. Peter Bünder, 2024-12-13
Translated from German version by DeepL

Cover Andreas Kollar: Nur die Lumpe sind bescheiden ISBN 978-3-8497-0439-1

Andreas Kollar: Nur die Lumpe sind bescheiden. Eine Autobiografie der Heidelberger systemischen Gruppe. Carl-Auer Verlag GmbH (Heidelberg) 2023. 175 pages. ISBN 978-3-8497-0439-1. D: 27,95 EUR, A: 28,80 EUR.

Further information at DNB KVK GVK.
Table of contents at the DNB.

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If you are interested in the historical development of systemic therapy and counseling in Germany, this book can make a valuable contribution to your understanding. With short and clear questions, the author of the book enables very lively and informative dialogs and individual statements. The language is clear and easy to understand. People who are interested in further training in systemic counseling or therapy should definitely read this book, as it can provide many suggestions and impulses for their own experimentation. As a person who had the opportunity to complete a short internship at the Institute for Family Therapy with Prof. Helm Stierlin in 1992, I can only highly recommend this book.

Review by
Prof. i.R. Dr. Peter Bünder
Vormals Hochschule - University of Applied Sciences - Düsseldorf, Lehrgebiet Erziehungswissenschaft am Fachbereich Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften

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Peter Bünder, 2024. Review of: Andreas Kollar: Nur die Lumpe sind bescheiden. Eine Autobiografie der Heidelberger systemischen Gruppe. Carl-Auer Verlag GmbH 2023. ISBN 978-3-8497-0439-1. Reihe: Systemische Therapie und Beratung. In: socialnet Reviews, 2024-12-13. ISSN 2190-9245. Retrieved 2025-02-16 from

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