Ulrike Marz: Wut auf Differenz
Reviewed by Prof. Dr. Wolfram Stender, 2024-11-13
Translated from German version by DeepL
Ulrike Marz: Wut auf Differenz. Kritische Theorie und die Kritik des Rassismus. transcript (Bielefeld) 2023. 375 pages. ISBN 978-3-8376-7043-1. D: 39,00 EUR, A: 39,00 EUR, CH: 47,60 sFr.
There is a detailed German review for this work. Read here
Critical theory cannot be preserved, but only renewed, because the connection between historical experience and concept is essential to it. If it ignores this, it falls into dogmatism. Ulrike Marz 's book does not renew, but probes the terrain by pointing out the aberrations of identity-political criticism of racism. Its strength lies in understanding the critique of racism as a critique of society without abandoning the indispensable subjective dimension of the affective unconscious.
Review by
Prof. Dr. Wolfram Stender
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Wolfram Stender, 2024. Review of:
Ulrike Marz: Wut auf Differenz. Kritische Theorie und die Kritik des Rassismus. transcript
ISBN 978-3-8376-7043-1.
Reihe: Sozialtheorie.
In: socialnet Reviews, 2024-11-13. ISSN 2190-9245. Retrieved 2025-01-20 from https://www.socialnet.de/en/reviews/31681.php.
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