Ahuti Alice Müller, Ullrich Beumer: Beziehungen bauen
Reviewed by Elke Michauk, 2025-01-08
Translated from German version by DeepL

Ahuti Alice Müller, Ullrich Beumer: Beziehungen bauen. Die Dynamik zwischen Mensch und Raum in der Beratung. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (Göttingen) 2024. 91 pages. ISBN 978-3-525-40010-4. D: 18,00 EUR, A: 19,00 EUR.
There is a detailed German review for this work. Read here
With this volume, Müller and Beumer succeed in breaking down a complex subject area and arousing curiosity about the significance of spaces in counseling. The theoretical explanations are given a tangible practical relevance through a variety of case examples and constellations. The compiled question complexes encourage reflection on one's own private and professional spatial design.
Review by
Elke Michauk
Elke Michauk
Sozialarbeiterin/Sozialpädagogin (Diplom), Sozialwissenschaftlerin (MA),
selbständig arbeitende zertifizierte Coachin (https://www.linkedin.com/in/elke-michauk/)
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Elke Michauk, 2025. Review of:
Ahuti Alice Müller, Ullrich Beumer: Beziehungen bauen. Die Dynamik zwischen Mensch und Raum in der Beratung. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
ISBN 978-3-525-40010-4.
Reihe: Beraten in der Arbeitswelt.
In: socialnet Reviews, 2025-01-08. ISSN 2190-9245. Retrieved 2025-02-08 from https://www.socialnet.de/en/reviews/31718.php.
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