Gisela Schlesinger: Psychomotorik für Mädchen und Frauen
Reviewed by Vivien Raczkiewicz, 2024-11-04
Translated from German version by DeepL
Gisela Schlesinger: Psychomotorik für Mädchen und Frauen. Bodyawareness statt Bodyshaming. Verlag modernes lernen Borgmann GmbH & Co. KG. (Dortmund) 2024. 192 pages. ISBN 978-3-8080-0942-0. D: 23,95 EUR, A: 24,70 EUR, CH: 38,80 sFr.
There is a detailed German review for this work. Read here
In her book “Psychomotricity for Girls and Women”, Gisela Schlesinger deals with social work with girls and women in psychomotricity on the basis of various theoretical concepts and constructs as well as practical instructions and exercises. The publication offers some interesting insights into gender-specific work in psychomotricity, but is not as sensitive to diversity and open to new subject areas as the title promises. Anyone looking for input on fundamental approaches and concepts of psychomotor skills will find this, but not any critical, well-founded discussions of aspects of feminism, diversity and questions of femininity and sexuality against the backdrop of our changing - increasingly digital - society.
Review by
Vivien Raczkiewicz
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin & Doktorandin an der TU Dortmund
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Vivien Raczkiewicz, 2024. Review of:
Gisela Schlesinger: Psychomotorik für Mädchen und Frauen. Bodyawareness statt Bodyshaming. Verlag modernes lernen Borgmann GmbH & Co. KG.
ISBN 978-3-8080-0942-0.
In: socialnet Reviews, 2024-11-04. ISSN 2190-9245. Retrieved 2025-01-18 from
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