Hansjörg Ebell, Hellmuth Schuckall: Therapeutische Hypnose
Reviewed by Peter Schröder, 2024-10-29
Translated from German version by DeepL

Hansjörg Ebell, Hellmuth Schuckall: Therapeutische Hypnose. Fallgeschichten aus der Praxis von Ärzten und Psychotherapeuten. Carl-Auer Verlag GmbH (Heidelberg) 2024. 512 pages. ISBN 978-3-8497-0532-9. D: 59,00 EUR, A: 60,70 EUR.
There is a detailed German review for this work. Read here
A rich showcase of the possibilities of hypnotherapeutic work and therefore a wonderful opportunity to watch masters of the subject at work. Anyone interested should not miss this opportunity. It is a benefit not only to read the hypnosis stories, but also to let the dialogs resonate within you.
Review by
Peter Schröder
Pfarrer i.R.
(Lehr-)Supervisor, Coach (DGSv)
Seniorcoach (DGfC) Systemischer Berater (SySt®)
Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie (VFP)
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Peter Schröder, 2024. Review of:
Hansjörg Ebell, Hellmuth Schuckall: Therapeutische Hypnose. Fallgeschichten aus der Praxis von Ärzten und Psychotherapeuten. Carl-Auer Verlag GmbH
ISBN 978-3-8497-0532-9.
Reihe: Hypnose und Hypnotherapie.
In: socialnet Reviews, 2024-10-29. ISSN 2190-9245. Retrieved 2025-02-09 from https://www.socialnet.de/en/reviews/31844.php.
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