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Stefan Schuster: Verkehrte Welt

Reviewed by Prof. Dr. Norbert Störmer, 2024-12-02
Translated from German version by DeepL

Cover Stefan Schuster: Verkehrte Welt ISBN 978-3-8379-3344-4

Stefan Schuster: Verkehrte Welt. Von der Praxis der Exklusion behinderter Menschen zum Grundriss einer Pädagogik der Ent-fremdung. Psychosozial-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG (Gießen) 2024. 670 pages. ISBN 978-3-8379-3344-4. D: 59,90 EUR, A: 61,60 EUR.

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With his work, the author wants to express that the structural exclusion of disabled people in modernity is the result of processes of alienation, reification and fetishization. Furthermore, he raises the question of the extent to which pedagogy itself, as well as through its actions in specific institutions, has made and continues to make its own specific contribution to these processes. The author sees it as a task to show what can be done to counteract such processes in educational practice; in relation to educational practice, he wants to show a way to do this by developing a basic outline of a pedagogy of alienation.

Review by
Prof. Dr. Norbert Störmer
Professor für Heilpädagogik/Behindertenpädagogik Hochschule Zittau/ Görlitz

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Norbert Störmer, 2024. Review of: Stefan Schuster: Verkehrte Welt. Von der Praxis der Exklusion behinderter Menschen zum Grundriss einer Pädagogik der Ent-fremdung. Psychosozial-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG 2024. ISBN 978-3-8379-3344-4. Reihe: Dialektik der Be-Hinderung. In: socialnet Reviews, 2024-12-02. ISSN 2190-9245. Retrieved 2025-02-16 from

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