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Mareike Ernst: Einsamkeit - Modelle, Ursachen, Interventionen

Reviewed by Daniel Ewert, 2024-11-06
Translated from German version by DeepL

Cover Mareike Ernst: Einsamkeit - Modelle, Ursachen, Interventionen ISBN 978-3-8252-6229-7

Mareike Ernst: Einsamkeit - Modelle, Ursachen, Interventionen. Ernst Reinhardt Verlag (München) 2024. 234 pages. ISBN 978-3-8252-6229-7. D: 39,90 EUR, A: 41,10 EUR, CH: 48,70 sFr.

Further information at DNB KVK GVK.
Table of contents at the DNB.

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Both in terms of the selection and communication of the content as well as its systematic and didactic preparation, this is a successful scientific introduction to the topic of loneliness. The book is to be recommended to all those who want to deal with the research, development and spread of loneliness on the basis of predominantly psychological models and encourages them to think purposefully about possibilities and strategies for encountering and reducing loneliness.

Review by
Daniel Ewert
Sozialwissenschaftler (M.A.); Redakteur bei socialnet für den Bereich Rezensionen Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg Forschungsschwerpunkte: Qualiative Sozialforschung, Gesundheitssoziologie, Einsamkeit, Geschlechter- und Sexualsoziologie

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Daniel Ewert, 2024. Review of: Mareike Ernst: Einsamkeit - Modelle, Ursachen, Interventionen. Ernst Reinhardt Verlag 2024. ISBN 978-3-8252-6229-7. Reihe: PsychoMed compact. In: socialnet Reviews, 2024-11-06. ISSN 2190-9245. Retrieved 2025-01-23 from

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