Wolf Rainer Wendt: Ökologie der Teilhabe
Reviewed by Prof. Dr. Peter Löcherbach, 2024-11-04
Wolf Rainer Wendt: Ökologie der Teilhabe. Am Wandel kompetent und mündig mitwirken. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft (Baden-Baden) 2024. 180 pages. ISBN 978-3-7560-1850-5. D: 54,00 EUR, A: 55,60 EUR.
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Wendt 's new book represents a consistent continuation of his previous theories on the one hand and a significant expansion on the other. This is because it goes far beyond social work and the social economy, as it very fundamentally describes the conditions for a “good lifestyle” in a comprehensive ecological understanding - an interdisciplinary multi-level concept, so to speak. A book for teachers, professionals and students who are not afraid to (re)study the configuration of “man and environment” in more detail and who remain open to surprising insights.
Review by
Prof. Dr. Peter Löcherbach
Prof. Dr. Peter Löcherbach, Professur für Wissenschaft der Sozialen Arbeit an der Kath. Hochschule Mainz, Mitherausgeber der Zeitschrift „Case Management“
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Peter Löcherbach, 2024. Review of:
Wolf Rainer Wendt: Ökologie der Teilhabe. Am Wandel kompetent und mündig mitwirken. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft
ISBN 978-3-7560-1850-5.
Reihe: Ökologie - Kultur - Gesellschaft - Band 1.
In: socialnet Reviews, 2024-11-04. ISSN 2190-9245. Retrieved 2025-01-19 from https://www.socialnet.de/en/reviews/32603.php.
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