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Venki Ramakrishnan: Warum wir sterben

Reviewed by Dr. Franziska Sophie Proskawetz, 2024-12-30
Translated from German version by DeepL

Cover Venki Ramakrishnan: Warum wir sterben ISBN 978-3-608-98492-7

Venki Ramakrishnan: Warum wir sterben. Die neue Wissenschaft des Alterns und die Suche nach dem ewigen Leben. Klett-Cotta Verlag (Stuttgart) 2024. 352 pages. ISBN 978-3-608-98492-7. D: 28,00 EUR, A: 28,80 EUR.

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In his book “Why we die”, Venki Ramakrishnan sheds light on the biological foundations of ageing and dying, links these to social and philosophical issues and takes a critical look at attempts to drastically prolong life. He explains scientific concepts such as cell ageing, telomeres, epigenetics and autophagy in an understandable way and at the same time warns against unrealistic promises in the field of immortality research. The book conveys that our mortality is not only biologically unavoidable, but also necessary for the meaning and enjoyment of life.

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Dr. Franziska Sophie Proskawetz

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Franziska Sophie Proskawetz, 2024. Review of: Venki Ramakrishnan: Warum wir sterben. Die neue Wissenschaft des Alterns und die Suche nach dem ewigen Leben. Klett-Cotta Verlag 2024. ISBN 978-3-608-98492-7. In: socialnet Reviews, 2024-12-30. ISSN 2190-9245. Retrieved 2025-02-09 from

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