Susanne Loke: Einsames Sterben und unentdeckte Tode in der Stadt
Reviewed by Thomas Barth, 2024-12-03
Translated from German version by DeepL
Susanne Loke: Einsames Sterben und unentdeckte Tode in der Stadt. über ein verborgenes gesellschaftliches Problem. transcript (Bielefeld) 2023. 342 pages. ISBN 978-3-8376-6648-9. D: 48,00 EUR, A: 48,00 EUR, CH: 58,60 sFr.
There is a detailed German review for this work. Read here
This book is a committed work that meets the scientific requirements of a dissertation and is by no means only understandable and readable by experts. What at first glance appears to be a morbid interest in lonely deaths is followed by a drastic illustration of the urgent problem of promoting socially just living and dying conditions for the increasingly socially disadvantaged population groups, despite the growing wealth of society.
Review by
Thomas Barth
Dipl.-Psych, Dipl.-Krim.
There are 21 Reviews of Thomas Barth.
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Thomas Barth, 2024. Review of:
Susanne Loke: Einsames Sterben und unentdeckte Tode in der Stadt. über ein verborgenes gesellschaftliches Problem. transcript
ISBN 978-3-8376-6648-9.
Reihe: Alter - Kultur - Gesellschaft - Band 9.
In: socialnet Reviews, 2024-12-03. ISSN 2190-9245. Retrieved 2025-01-19 from
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