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Annemarie Meyer: Die nie debattierte Geschichte hinter dem Hanfverbot

Reviewed by Thomas Barth, 2025-01-14
Translated from German version by DeepL

Cover Annemarie Meyer: Die nie debattierte Geschichte hinter dem Hanfverbot ISBN 978-3-03788-635-9

Annemarie Meyer: Die nie debattierte Geschichte hinter dem Hanfverbot. Eine Beweisführung. Nachtschatten Verlag (Solothurn) 2023. 197 pages. ISBN 978-3-03788-635-9. D: 23,00 EUR, A: 23,70 EUR, CH: 25,00 sFr.

Further information at DNB KVK GVK.
Table of contents at the DNB.

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This small, well-written book provides a profound insight into the struggles against cannabis prohibition, whose roots are located in the dark times of the racist USA and in the Nazi drug policy of the Hitler regime. Cannabis as a “narcotic”, its alleged harmful effects and its denied qualities as a medicinal plant - all of this originally stems from perfidious government campaigns by right-wing US governments, which used it to denounce and criminalize the black liberation movement and the peace movement of the hippies, as well as to pursue geopolitical goals.

Review by
Thomas Barth
Dipl.-Psych, Dipl.-Krim.

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Thomas Barth, 2025. Review of: Annemarie Meyer: Die nie debattierte Geschichte hinter dem Hanfverbot. Eine Beweisführung. Nachtschatten Verlag 2023. ISBN 978-3-03788-635-9. In: socialnet Reviews, 2025-01-14. ISSN 2190-9245. Retrieved 2025-02-16 from

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